
2022 - Present Day

Factorial HR - Software Engineer

Currently, I'm creating stuff in all the matters regarding the Documents within a Company. Create any kind of document, how to view them, e-signature requests, documents storage system, how to share them, etc.[Ruby on Rails, React, Apollo, MOBX, Design System]


Cloud Active Reception - Software Engineer

Web app used on the Dealerships. I developed a bunch of stuff regarding the agenda, mechanics workload, work files with all the todos, spare parts management, stocks, the CMR, automatic alerts, time tracking per task, etc.[PHP, Vue, C#, CSS3]


Beezy - Frontend developer

I was working on the application customizations for our customers, new layouts, new workflows, new design schemas, etc[Backbone, SASS]


Adverway - Web developer and design

I was in charge of creating the platform where our customers were able to create their own advergames (advertising through games). I designed the pages and implemented them on both sides, backend, and frontend.[Ruby on Rails, REST API, AngularJS, SASS]


imesmes - Web developer

A bunch of different websites, but mainly CMSs where the customer could set the contents for their pages. Also, I did some Facebook applications.[Ruby on Rails, REST API, AngularJS, SASS]